Tender Notice- Manohar Trace

The Penal/Debe Regional Corporation in accordance with the Central Tenders Board Regulation 12/2/b as amended by Legal Notice No. 234 which falls under the Statutory limit of the Chief Executive Officer invites tenders from Registered Contractors for the undermentioned Project:


1.  Prospective Tenderers who wish to bid must be registered contractors with the Penal/Debe Regional Corporation (All Petty Contractors must be approved by the Minister of Finance, Director of Contracts, Circular Memorandum 2/1/16 dated 12/03/1997).

2.   Pre- tender meeting followed by site visit will be held on Tuesday August 03rd,2021 at 9:00 a.m at thePenal/Debe Regional Corporation (back building car park) for interested registered contractors with the Penal/Debe Regional Corporation. Further technical information relating to the project may be obtained from Ms. Jaade Subrattee, Engineering and Survey Officer at 647-0961 ext. 214 during normal working hours.

3.   All tenders must be fully priced including Item of Work, Material, Labour & Total Columns. The Corporation further reserves the right to reject proposals that are received unsigned, in unsealed envelopes or with erasures not initialed by the tenderer.

4.   Tender documents can be obtained on normal working days (Mondays to Fridays) from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Tenders Department, Penal/Debe Regional Corporation, located at #218 A.S.S. Erin Road, Debe, for a non-refundable fee of One hundred dollars ($100.00). This non-refundable deposit is payable by Cash or Certified Cheque made payable to the Chief Executive Officer, Penal/Debe Regional Corporation. For further information, please contact the Tenders Department at 647-0961/7012/2092 ext. 112 or email at pdrc[email protected].

5.   Tenders must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • Health and Safety Policy.
  • Valid NIS Compliance Certificate.
  • Income Tax and Value Added Tax Clearance Certificates (Vat where applicable) issued by the Board of Inland Revenue, and dated not more than Six (6) months prior to the closing of the tender.
  • Incorporation Certificate showing proof of registration with the Registrar General Department. Also, last Annual Return.
  • Notice of Directors.
  • Copies of National I.D. of Directors.
  • Workmen’s Compensation and Public Liability Insurance.

6.   The form of Tender/Bill of Quantities must be placed in a sealed envelope and addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Penal/Debe Regional Corporation. The names of the projects must be marked on the outside envelope– e.g. TENDER FOR:  MANOHAR TRACE-  TO CONSTRUCT SHORING TO RETAIN ROADWAY

7.   Envelopes must be deposited in the WHITE TENDER BOX located in the upstairs lobby no later than 12:00 noon on Thursday August 05th,2021 and will not be opened publicly due to COVID restrictions.

8.   There will be strict observance of COVID-19 guidelines and all relevant legislative, regulatory and other guidelines as established by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of National Security during the Tender process. These may be subject to further changes as decided by the Authorities.

 9.  The Penal/Debe Regional Corporation does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to cancel tenders without defraying any cost incurred by Tenderers in submitting their bids. Late tenders will not be considered under any circumstances.

Chief Executive Officer

Penal/Debe Regional Corporation                                                                                                                                                         30/07/21