Covid-19 Vaccination Drive

Tender Notice


The Penal/Debe Regional Corporation invites registered contractors to tender for the undermentioned projects: -09/005/335 – LOCAL GOVERNMENT REFORM TRANSFORMATION

1. Main Office – to supply and install retrofitted 40ft container etc

2. Barrackpore Market – to repair all plumbing in washroom facilities, supply and install signs etc.
3. Penal Public Convenience – Installation of Grano Pavement
4. Penal Market Abattoir Washroom – Refurbishment of existing washroom


5. Woodland Recreation Ground – Reconstruction of existing roof and repainting of pavilion etc.
6. Sunrees Road Recreation Ground– to supply and install concrete benches, cylinders etc.
7. Stone Park Recreation Ground – Construction of a Jogging Track – 85m x 1.8m.
8. Spur Trace Recreation Ground – Construction of a Toilet Facility
9. Mohess Road Recreation Ground – Construction of interlot box drain 35m x 0.91m x 0.91m etc.
10. Jones Development Recreation Ground – Supply and install exercise equipment for play park area
11. Govindra Roopnarine Recreation Ground – To fence area for Play Park 18m x 17m & to supply concrete benches
12. Clarke Rochard Recreation Ground – Construction of a box drain 25m x 1.22m x 0.71m & 0.91m etc.
13. Chapman Park – Refurbishment of washroom & interior of dressing room, construction of benches etc.
14. Scotts Road Recreation Ground – to block up perimeter walls including lentil and ring beams
15. Sugar Road Club House (Recreation Ground) – to construct Foundation for Club House

Pre- tender meeting followed by site visits will be held Tuesday September 14th, 2021 at 9.00 a.m. at the Penal/Debe Regional Corporation (back building car park). Further technical information relating to projects may be obtained from Ms. Jaade Subrattee, Engineering and Survey Officer at 647-0961 ext. 214 during normal working hours.

All tenders must be fully priced including Item of Work, Material, Labour & Total Columns. The Corporation further reserves the right to reject proposals that are received unsigned, in unsealed envelopes or with erasures not initialed by the tenderer.

Tender documents can be obtained on normal working days (Mondays to Fridays) from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Tenders Department, Penal/Debe Regional Corporation, located at #218 A.S.S. Erin Road. Debe for a non-refundable fee of One hundred dollars ($100.00) per project. This non-refundable deposit is payable by Cash or Certified Cheque made payable to the Chief Executive Officer, Penal/Debe Regional Corporation. For further information, please contact 647-0961/7012/2092 ext. 112 or email at [email protected].

Tenders must be accompanied by Workmen’s Compensation, Public Liability Insurance and Health and Safety Policy, Valid NIS Compliance, Income Tax and Value Added Tax Clearance Certificates (Vat where applicable) issued by the Board of Inland Revenue, and dated not more than Six (6) months prior to the closing of the tender. Also, last Annual Return

The form of Tender/Bill of Quantities must be placed in sealed envelopes and addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Penal/Debe Regional Corporation. The name of the project must be marked on the outside envelope- e.g. TENDER FOR: MAIN OFFICE – to supply and install retrofitted 40ft container etc.

Envelopes must be deposited in the WHITE TENDER BOX located in the upstairs lobby no later than 10.00 a.m. on Monday September 20′ 2021 and will not be opened publicly due to COVID restrictions.

There will be strict observance of COVID-19 guidelines and all relevant legislative, regulatory and other guidelines as established by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of National Security during the Tender process. These may be subject to further changes as decided by the Authorities.

The Penal/Debe Regional Corporation does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to cancel tenders without defraying any cost incurred by Tenderers in submitting their bids. Late tenders will not be considered under any circumstances.

Chief Executive Officer Penal/Debe Regional Corporation
09/ 09/2021

Independence Facts on Trinidad and Tobago.

Independence Day Greetings 2021

Happy Independence Day 2021 from Members of Council and Administration of the Penal Debe Regional Corporation.

Trinidad and Tobago gained its independence from Great Britain on August 31st, 1962.  At midnight on 30th August, 1962, the Union Jack (British flag) was lowered and the Trinidad and Tobago flag was raised for the first time. Bells tolled and sirens rang out to herald the birth of the newly independent nation. This first Independence Day was marked by more than a week of festivities and events across the country from August 28 to September 05, 1962. Several international dignitaries were present for this auspicious occasion including the Queen’s representative Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal who read the message sent by Queen Elizabeth II, relinquishing her rule.

Today, Independence Day is celebrated with military-style parades held at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain and in Scarborough, Tobago. In Trinidad, the parade is inspected by the Head of State who, from 1962-1976, was the Governor General (i.e. the Queen’s representative in Trinidad and Tobago). When Trinidad and Tobago achieved its status as a Republic in 1976, the President then assumed this role. The Chief Secretary, who is the leader of the Tobago House of Assembly, heads the Tobago parade. After the official activities at the parade grounds, the contingents march through the streets to the accompaniment of live music played by the bands of the various forces (e.g. Police, Fire and Prison bands).  Cheering spectators line the parade route creating a carnival-like atmosphere.

The evening is usually marked by the presentation of National Awards in a ceremony held at the President’s House. These awards, which were first presented in 1969, honour the outstanding achievements of citizens of Trinidad and Tobago in various fields.

Finally, this day of celebration comes to a close with fireworks displays at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain and the Port Authority Compound, Scarborough Tobago. Thousands of people gather from early in the evening to get a strategic vantage point to view these shows.

Vaccination Drive

Penal Debe Regional Corporation & South West Regional Health Authority.

  1. Esperance Regional Complex, Derrick Road Esperance Village, via San Fernando
  2. Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th September, 2021
  3. Time- 8:00am – 3:00pm
  4. Vaccine: Johnson & Johnson

Covid-19 Vaccination Drive Outreach Programme

For inquiries call your Councillor or the Chairman’s Office at 647-0685.

  • 18 Years and Over
  • Bring ID Card
  • Previously tested Positive for Covid-19? 3months must elapse.
  • Free Transport Available.

Tender Notice- Provision of Security Services

Tenders are invited for the Provision of Security Services for the Penal/Debe Regional Corporation.

  1. Pre- tender meeting followed by site visits will be held on Monday August 30th, 2021 and interested Security Companies are asked to assemble at 9:00 am at thePenal/Debe Regional Corporation (Front building), #218 S.S. Erin Road, Debe.
  • Tender documents can be obtained on normal working days (Mondays to Fridays) from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Tenders Department, Penal/Debe Regional Corporation, located at #218A S. S. Erin Road, Debe.
  • Tenderers must indicate the rates per hour used in the calculation of their offer.

4     Tenderers must provide a profile of their company, which must include, amongst other things:

  1.    Public Liability Insurance
  2.    National Insurance Compliance Certificate
  3.    V.A.T. Clearance Certificate
  4.    Income Tax Clearance
  5.    (i) Approval from the Ministry of National Security to operate a Protective Service Agency, where applicable.

   (ii) Firearm’s Users License (FUL) approved by the Commissioner of Police.

(iii) Firearm Users Employee Certificate (FUEC) for Estate Constables who are precept and authorize to carry firearm.

  •    A list of recent client reference.
  •    Health and Safety Policy.

5.   All queries should be referred to the Penal/Debe Regional Corporation, Tenders Clerk, Ms. Tricia Maharaj, #218A S.S. Erin Road, Debe at 647-0961 Ext 112.

6.      The form of Tender must be placed in a sealed envelope and addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Penal/Debe Regional Corporation and must be marked on the outside “Quotation for the Provision of Security Services for the Penal/Debe Regional Corporation.”

7.      Envelopes must be deposited in the WHITE TENDER BOX located in the upstairs lobby of the Corporation on or before 12:00 noon on Thursday 02nd September, 2021.

8.   Quotations received which are not signed, or in unsealed envelopes, or with alterations or erasures not initialed by the signee will not be considered.

9.    The Penal/Debe Regional Corporation does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to cancel tenders without defraying any cost incurred by Tenderers in submitting their bids.

Late quotations would not be accepted.


PENAL/DEBE REGIONAL CORPORATION                                                                                                                27/8/21

Vaccination Drive

Penal Debe Regional Corporation


South West Regional Health Authority

Covid-19 Vaccination Drive Outreach Programme

Friday 27th and Saturday 28th August, 2021


10 Manhoar Maharaj Trace, New Colonial Road, Barrackpore

8:00 am – 3:00 pm

For free transport please contact your Councillor or The Chairman’s Office at 647-0685

Public Notice- Disaster Management Unit

Members of the Public in need of sand bags can contact the Disaster Management Unit of the Penal Debe Regional Corporation via the following Phone Numbers:

  1. 800-7372 (PDRC)
  2. 647-0034
  3. 647-2975
  4. 647-0961 ext. 203

Thank You,

Chief Executive Officer

Penal Debe Regional Corporation

Bulk Waste Collection

Tender Notice- Extension of Closing Date to Submit Proposal



Extension of Closing date to submit proposals

The Penal/Debe Regional Corporation invites proposals from persons interested in conducting research work on the Chinese Presence in the Penal/Debe region and their Contribution to the Social, Economic and Cultural Development of the Region. This research will culminate in the preparation of a Report on the Chinese presence.

For further information, you can contact the Tenders Department at 647-0961 ext 112 or via email at [email protected] or Ms. Vidya Maharaj at 647-0961 ext 211.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The Proposals should be placed in a sealed envelope and addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Penal/Debe Regional Corporation and delivered to the Tenders Department or submitted via email at [email protected] on or before August 20, 2021 at 12noon. The name of the proposal must be marked on the outside of the envelope as follows–


Late proposals will not be considered under any circumstances. The Penal/Debe Regional Corporation does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any proposal.